Patient Bill of Rights

The AOEC clinics have agreed to a specific list of policies regarding patient rights. These are usually posted in the clincs themselves, but are also available here.

Our clinic is a member of the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC). As an AOEC member clinic, we are committed to provide high quality health care and to help you understand the nature of your illness and any risks to your health. Our primary responsibility is to you, our patient. We assure you that your health care will be handled with compassion and strict confidence.

As a patient of our clinic, you have a right to:

1. Give your consent to tests and procedures before they are done.

2. Know the results of tests and procedures after they are done.

3. Have a copy of your medical records.

4. See a list of financial and other working relationships that our clinic has with any organizations, such as government agencies, industries, companies, labor unions, or community groups.

As an AOEC member clinic, we promise to:

1. Explain your health condition and the results of all tests and procedures done under our direction.  

2. Identify risks to your health from work and the environment and ways you can prevent future health problems.

3. Inform you about your rights to workplace health and safety, assist you in getting a workplace inspection if needed, and help you improve your workplace health and safety.  

4. Maintain your records in strict confidence, not releasing them to anyone outside this clinic without your expressed written permission, unless required to do so by law. (For instance, if you file a worker's compensation, health insurance, or legal claim we may be required to release your records.)

5. Direct you to information about worker's compensation, social security, disability, or other health care and monetary benefits.  

6. Provide written reports and legal testimony of our findings, if requested.

Should you feel this clinic does not meet these commitments, please contact the AOEC office at the address shown.

1010 Vermont Avenue, NW, #513, Washington, DC 20005

202-347-4976 or 1-888-347-2632

Uploaded 2/23/10